Dipterous insects (Diptera): Wheat midge, or gall midge (Cecidomyia tritici, or Cecidomyiidae) with larva in an open pupa husk (a) and a wheat bloom with larva (b); Blue bottle fly (Musca vomitora, or Calliphora vomitoria); Black fly (Simulia colombaschenis, or Simuliidae); Hoverfly (Syrphus selenticus, or Syrphus ribesii) with larva and pupa; Clubbed general (Stratiomys chameleon); Dark-winged fungus gnats (Sciara Thomae, or Sciaridae); Mosquito (Culex annulatus, or Culiseta annulata); Horse botfly (Gastrophilus equi, or Gasterophilus intestinalis); Pest fly, or Gout fly (Chlorops taeniopus, or Chlorops pumilionis) with side view of the head (a); Sheep Bot Fly (Oestrus ovis); Human flea (Pulex irritans) with upper lip (a), maxillary (b), bottom lip (c), bottom lip tentacle (d), maxillary tentacle (e); Pale giant horse-fly (Tabanus bovinus) with side view of the head (a). Woodcut engraving, published in 1878.