Adaptation Concept Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

Browse 25,700+ adaptation concept stock photos and images available, or search for chameleon or change concept to find more great stock photos and pictures.

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The Climate Resilient Neighbourhood Drone images of city bus driving through a roundabout in "Klimakvarteret", the Climate Resilient Neighbourhood in Østerbro. This area is Copenhagen´s first district to adapted to climate change and to withstand the large volumes of water expected with more extreme weather conditions. The solution is to build large interconnected reservoirs collecting rain water from the city streets, roofs and surfaces. The reservoirs have resulted in large green, recreative areas which invite for picnics, playgrounds and new habitats for urban wildlife supporting biodiversity. adaptation concept stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
The Climate Resilient Neighbourhood Drone images of city bus driving through a roundabout in "Klimakvarteret", the Climate Resilient Neighbourhood in Østerbro. This area is Copenhagen´s first district to adapted to climate change and to withstand the large volumes of water expected with more extreme weather conditions. The solution is to build large interconnected reservoirs collecting rain water from the city streets, roofs and surfaces. The reservoirs have resulted in large green, recreative areas which invite for picnics, playgrounds and new habitats for urban wildlife supporting biodiversity. adaptation concept stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Drone images of city bus driving through a roundabout in "Klimakvarteret", the Climate Resilient Neighbourhood in Østerbro. This area is Copenhagen´s first district to adapted to climate change and to withstand the large volumes of water expected with more extreme weather conditions. The solution is to build large interconnected reservoirs collecting rain water from the city streets, roofs and surfaces. The reservoirs have resulted in large green, recreative areas which invite for picnics, playgrounds and new habitats for urban wildlife supporting biodiversity.

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