Autumn Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

You can find almost 3.4 million autumn stock photos at the iStock image library. Browse our easy-to-search collection for stock imagery of autumn trees photos of families walking through autumnal forests and close-up shots of red leaves. You can also find images of autumn seasonal decorations like pumpkins and pine cones as well as photos of people enjoying autumn drinks such as mulled wine and pumpkin spice coffee.

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Autumn in Vermont Early morning autumn light near Killington, Vermont. Photo taken on a calm tranquil colorful morning during the peak autumn foliage season. Vermont's beautiful fall foliage ranks with the best in New England bringing out some of  the most colorful foliage in the United States autumn stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Autumn in Vermont Early morning autumn light near Killington, Vermont. Photo taken on a calm tranquil colorful morning during the peak autumn foliage season. Vermont's beautiful fall foliage ranks with the best in New England bringing out some of the most colorful foliage in the United States autumn stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Early morning autumn light near Killington, Vermont. Photo taken on a calm tranquil colorful morning during the peak autumn foliage season. Vermont's beautiful fall foliage ranks with the best in New England bringing out some of the most colorful foliage in the United States

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