Ballot Box Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

Browse 19,100+ ballot box stock photos and images available, or search for vote or voting booth to find more great stock photos and pictures.

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Ballot Box Icon on Transparent Background A flat design politics icon on a transparent background (can be placed onto any colored background). File is built in the CMYK color space for optimal printing. Color swatches are global so it’s easy to change colors across the document. No transparencies, blends or gradients used. ballot box stock illustrations
Ballot Box Icon on Transparent Background A flat design politics icon on a transparent background (can be placed onto any colored background). File is built in the CMYK color space for optimal printing. Color swatches are global so it’s easy to change colors across the document. No transparencies, blends or gradients used. ballot box stock illustrations

A flat design politics icon on a transparent background (can be placed onto any colored background). File is built in the CMYK color space for optimal printing. Color swatches are global so it’s easy to change colors across the document. No transparencies, blends or gradients used.

Cast your vote A vector illustration of a person posting a voting card into a ballot box. The caucasian hand comes in from the top left, the blank card is being placed into a grey ballot box. The box is casting a shadow towards the bottom left of the image. The background is light blue ballot box stock illustrations
Cast your vote A vector illustration of a person posting a voting card into a ballot box. The caucasian hand comes in from the top left, the blank card is being placed into a grey ballot box. The box is casting a shadow towards the bottom left of the image. The background is light blue ballot box stock illustrations

A vector illustration of a person posting a voting card into a ballot box. The caucasian hand comes in from the top left, the blank card is being placed into a grey ballot box. The box is casting a shadow towards the bottom left of the image. The background is light blue

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