Business Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

There are almost 19 million business stock photos at the iStock image library. Browse our easy-to-search collection to find and download stock imagery of business meetings and wide-angle shots of business premises. You can also find photos of enterprise owners at work and motion-blurred images of people moving in busy workplaces and shops.

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Successful partnership Business people shaking hands in the office. Group of business persons in business meeting. Three entrepreneurs on meeting in board room. Corporate business team on meeting in modern office. Female manager discussing new project with her colleagues. Company owner on a meeting with two of her employees in her office. business stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Successful partnership Business people shaking hands in the office. Group of business persons in business meeting. Three entrepreneurs on meeting in board room. Corporate business team on meeting in modern office. Female manager discussing new project with her colleagues. Company owner on a meeting with two of her employees in her office. business stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Business people shaking hands in the office. Group of business persons in business meeting. Three entrepreneurs on meeting in board room. Corporate business team on meeting in modern office. Female manager discussing new project with her colleagues. Company owner on a meeting with two of her employees in her office.

Handshake for the new agreement Business people shaking hands in the office. Group of business persons in business meeting. Two entrepreneurs on meeting in board room. Corporate business team on meeting in modern office. Female manager discussing new project with her colleagues. Company owner on a meeting with her employee in her office. business stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Handshake for the new agreement Business people shaking hands in the office. Group of business persons in business meeting. Two entrepreneurs on meeting in board room. Corporate business team on meeting in modern office. Female manager discussing new project with her colleagues. Company owner on a meeting with her employee in her office. business stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Business people shaking hands in the office. Group of business persons in business meeting. Two entrepreneurs on meeting in board room. Corporate business team on meeting in modern office. Female manager discussing new project with her colleagues. Company owner on a meeting with her employee in her office.

Place of work Businesspeople in Conference Room and Colleagues Walking By. Blurred motion of colleagues walking briskly down office hallway as colleagues sit in conference room discussing ideas. Busy modern workplace. Working process in the office, business people working, walking and talking, blurred motion business stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Place of work Businesspeople in Conference Room and Colleagues Walking By. Blurred motion of colleagues walking briskly down office hallway as colleagues sit in conference room discussing ideas. Busy modern workplace. Working process in the office, business people working, walking and talking, blurred motion business stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Businesspeople in Conference Room and Colleagues Walking By. Blurred motion of colleagues walking briskly down office hallway as colleagues sit in conference room discussing ideas. Busy modern workplace. Working process in the office, business people working, walking and talking, blurred motion

Business people in the office. Shot of two coworkers having a discussion in modern office. Businessman and businesswoman in meeting using digital tablet and discussing business strategy. Confident business people working together in the office. Corporate business persons discussing new project and sharing ideas in the workplace. business stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Business people in the office. Shot of two coworkers having a discussion in modern office. Businessman and businesswoman in meeting using digital tablet and discussing business strategy. Confident business people working together in the office. Corporate business persons discussing new project and sharing ideas in the workplace. business stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Shot of two coworkers having a discussion in modern office. Businessman and businesswoman in meeting using digital tablet and discussing business strategy. Confident business people working together in the office. Corporate business persons discussing new project and sharing ideas in the workplace.

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