Convention Center Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Convention And Seminar Thin Line Icons - Editable Stroke - Icons Include A Convention, Conference, Seminar, Business Convention, Business Conference, Trade Show, Business People, Audience, Presenter, Attendees, Vendors, Networking A set of convention and seminar icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a business person presenting to an audience at a business convention, Convention center, Presenter presenting from a lectern to a group of people at a seminar, photo ID name badge, air travel to business conference, Group of presenters facing forward, business conference attendee networking, group of people watching a video conference on a large screen, business presenter standing at lectern and speaking into microphone at convention, business people shaking hands at business seminar, business leader presenting at seminar, person visiting a vendor booth at a trade show, room of seminar attendees and a presenter standing at the front of the group, calendar date, clapping hands, person networking at business conference by giving business card to business leader, dining, taxi cab, conference goer checking into hotel at reception desk, and a person presenting to a group of business people on their laptops. convention center stock illustrations
Convention And Seminar Thin Line Icons - Editable Stroke - Icons Include A Convention, Conference, Seminar, Business Convention, Business Conference, Trade Show, Business People, Audience, Presenter, Attendees, Vendors, Networking A set of convention and seminar icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a business person presenting to an audience at a business convention, Convention center, Presenter presenting from a lectern to a group of people at a seminar, photo ID name badge, air travel to business conference, Group of presenters facing forward, business conference attendee networking, group of people watching a video conference on a large screen, business presenter standing at lectern and speaking into microphone at convention, business people shaking hands at business seminar, business leader presenting at seminar, person visiting a vendor booth at a trade show, room of seminar attendees and a presenter standing at the front of the group, calendar date, clapping hands, person networking at business conference by giving business card to business leader, dining, taxi cab, conference goer checking into hotel at reception desk, and a person presenting to a group of business people on their laptops. convention center stock illustrations

A set of convention and seminar icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include a business person presenting to an audience at a business convention, Convention center, Presenter presenting from a lectern to a group of people at a seminar, photo ID name badge, air travel to business conference, Group of presenters facing forward, business conference attendee networking, group of people watching a video conference on a large screen, business presenter standing at lectern and speaking into microphone at convention, business people shaking hands at business seminar, business leader presenting at seminar, person visiting a vendor booth at a trade show, room of seminar attendees and a presenter standing at the front of the group, calendar date, clapping hands, person networking at business conference by giving business card to business leader, dining, taxi cab, conference goer checking into hotel at reception desk, and a person presenting to a group of business people on their laptops.

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