Fine Dining Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

You can find more than 6.7 million fine dining stock photos at the iStock image library. Browse our easy-to-search collection for stock imagery of fine dining tables and wide-angle shots of high-end restaurants. Our collection also includes overhead shots of haute cuisine dishes and motion-blurred shots of busy waiters bringing food to diners as well as close-up photos of innovative and unusual food.

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Chef adding the final flourish by adding some liquorice flavoured parsley to the dish. The dish is, pan fried pink duck breast onto a bed of parsnip puree with seasonal autumn vegetables and berries. Colour, horizontal with some copy space, photographed on location in a restaurant on the island of Møn in Denmark.

Professional chef putting the final flourish to the dish by adding a sprig of watercress to the dish of slow cooked chicken breast served on a bed of bulgur risotto. Colour, horizontal with some copy space. Photographed in a restaurant on the island of Møn in Denmark.

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