Guitar Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

Browse 346,400+ guitar stock photos and images available, or search for electric guitar or music to find more great stock photos and pictures.

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Grunge guitar three "A grunge acoustic guitar on a background, also comes with another textured instrument with different levels of grunge, plus a non textured silhouette. Each image is a single shape (no masks or overlaid colors), each guitar can be used separately, grunge texture is cut out so background colors show through." guitar stock illustrations
Grunge guitar three "A grunge acoustic guitar on a background, also comes with another textured instrument with different levels of grunge, plus a non textured silhouette. Each image is a single shape (no masks or overlaid colors), each guitar can be used separately, grunge texture is cut out so background colors show through." guitar stock illustrations

"A grunge acoustic guitar on a background, also comes with another textured instrument with different levels of grunge, plus a non textured silhouette. Each image is a single shape (no masks or overlaid colors), each guitar can be used separately, grunge texture is cut out so background colors show through."

Electric Guitar Icon on Transparent Background A flat design icon on a transparent background (can be placed onto any colored background). File is built in the CMYK color space for optimal printing. Color swatches are global so it’s easy to change colors across the document. No transparencies, blends or gradients used. guitar stock illustrations
Electric Guitar Icon on Transparent Background A flat design icon on a transparent background (can be placed onto any colored background). File is built in the CMYK color space for optimal printing. Color swatches are global so it’s easy to change colors across the document. No transparencies, blends or gradients used. guitar stock illustrations

A flat design icon on a transparent background (can be placed onto any colored background). File is built in the CMYK color space for optimal printing. Color swatches are global so it’s easy to change colors across the document. No transparencies, blends or gradients used.

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