Haida Gwaii Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Haida Gwaii Totem Pole and Longhouse Masset, British Columbia, Canada - August 13, 2010: A detail of a Haida totem pole in front of a cedar longhouse building on Haida Gwaii, an island off the west coast of Canada. The rich texture is the result of years of exposure to the extreme weather on the island. haida gwaii stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Haida Gwaii Totem Pole and Longhouse Masset, British Columbia, Canada - August 13, 2010: A detail of a Haida totem pole in front of a cedar longhouse building on Haida Gwaii, an island off the west coast of Canada. The rich texture is the result of years of exposure to the extreme weather on the island. haida gwaii stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Masset, British Columbia, Canada - August 13, 2010: A detail of a Haida totem pole in front of a cedar longhouse building on Haida Gwaii, an island off the west coast of Canada. The rich texture is the result of years of exposure to the extreme weather on the island.

A Bald Eagle searching for food from its perch.  Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), Graham Island, British Columbia, Canada. A Bald Headed Eagle guarding its domain from its perch. Eaglets start as fuzzy-headed birds and begin feeding themselves around the sixth to seventh week. By eight weeks they can stand and walk around the nest. By sixty days eaglets are well-feathered and have gained 90% of their adult weight. Large nestlings consume nearly as much food as adults. Chicks remain in the nest for ten to twelve weeks. Bald Eagles take four to five years to acquire their distinctive adult plumage. Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), Graham Island, British Columbia, Canada. haida gwaii stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
A Bald Eagle searching for food from its perch. Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), Graham Island, British Columbia, Canada. A Bald Headed Eagle guarding its domain from its perch. Eaglets start as fuzzy-headed birds and begin feeding themselves around the sixth to seventh week. By eight weeks they can stand and walk around the nest. By sixty days eaglets are well-feathered and have gained 90% of their adult weight. Large nestlings consume nearly as much food as adults. Chicks remain in the nest for ten to twelve weeks. Bald Eagles take four to five years to acquire their distinctive adult plumage. Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), Graham Island, British Columbia, Canada. haida gwaii stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A Bald Headed Eagle guarding its domain from its perch. Eaglets start as fuzzy-headed birds and begin feeding themselves around the sixth to seventh week. By eight weeks they can stand and walk around the nest. By sixty days eaglets are well-feathered and have gained 90% of their adult weight. Large nestlings consume nearly as much food as adults. Chicks remain in the nest for ten to twelve weeks. Bald Eagles take four to five years to acquire their distinctive adult plumage. Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), Graham Island, British Columbia, Canada.

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