Hospice Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

Browse 13,500+ hospice stock photos and images available, or search for hospice care or nursing home to find more great stock photos and pictures.

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Hospice Thin Line Icons - Editable Stroke A set of hospice icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include patients and health care workers in different situations. They include a person visiting an elderly family member who is constrained to a wheelchair, a person with arm around an elderly person in wheelchair, two hands touching, a sad person, two people hugging, family holding a heart, cancer patient, doctor with hand on shoulder of patient, person consoling a sad patient, two friends or family visiting a sick patient in bed, person pushing another person in wheelchair, home health care worker, health care professional doing a checkup, prescription medication, doctor checking heart of patient with stethoscope, health care team, nursing home, person visiting the casket of a friend or loved on at a funeral, priest or other religious leader, patient getting blood pressure checked and other related icons. hospice stock illustrations
Hospice Thin Line Icons - Editable Stroke A set of hospice icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include patients and health care workers in different situations. They include a person visiting an elderly family member who is constrained to a wheelchair, a person with arm around an elderly person in wheelchair, two hands touching, a sad person, two people hugging, family holding a heart, cancer patient, doctor with hand on shoulder of patient, person consoling a sad patient, two friends or family visiting a sick patient in bed, person pushing another person in wheelchair, home health care worker, health care professional doing a checkup, prescription medication, doctor checking heart of patient with stethoscope, health care team, nursing home, person visiting the casket of a friend or loved on at a funeral, priest or other religious leader, patient getting blood pressure checked and other related icons. hospice stock illustrations

A set of hospice icons that include editable strokes or outlines using the EPS vector file. The icons include patients and health care workers in different situations. They include a person visiting an elderly family member who is constrained to a wheelchair, a person with arm around an elderly person in wheelchair, two hands touching, a sad person, two people hugging, family holding a heart, cancer patient, doctor with hand on shoulder of patient, person consoling a sad patient, two friends or family visiting a sick patient in bed, person pushing another person in wheelchair, home health care worker, health care professional doing a checkup, prescription medication, doctor checking heart of patient with stethoscope, health care team, nursing home, person visiting the casket of a friend or loved on at a funeral, priest or other religious leader, patient getting blood pressure checked and other related icons.

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