Kids Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

There are almost seven million kids stock photos at the iStock image library. Browse our extensive collection to find stock imagery of kids running in parks photos of children at school and close-up shots of kids with painted faces. You can also find wide-angle shots of children’s parties and aerial photos of school playgrounds as well as images of children sleeping and eating.

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Casual School Portrait A small group of three school aged children huddle together on an area rug in their classroom as they pose for a portrait.  They are each dressed casually and rainbow blocks can be seen stacked in front of them. kids stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Casual School Portrait A small group of three school aged children huddle together on an area rug in their classroom as they pose for a portrait. They are each dressed casually and rainbow blocks can be seen stacked in front of them. kids stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A small group of three school aged children huddle together on an area rug in their classroom as they pose for a portrait. They are each dressed casually and rainbow blocks can be seen stacked in front of them.

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