Mangrove Forest Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Mangrove forest Underwater splitshot image of  mangrove forest.
 Mangroves are plants that can live in saltwater. These important plants not only create a refuge for a vast number of marine animals, birds and reptiles but also play an important role in countering coastal erosion. 

The dense network of roots and branches retain sediments and create a natural barrier protecting coastal communities against the more and more frequent floodings and hurricanes. 

Further, mangroves have the capacity to sequester up to 10 times more CO2 per area compared to other forest ecosystems. Therefore these habitats serve as a blue carbon sink.

Unfortunately, destruction of these important habitats due to development currently happens on a large scale worldwide. mangrove forest stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Mangrove forest Underwater splitshot image of mangrove forest. Mangroves are plants that can live in saltwater. These important plants not only create a refuge for a vast number of marine animals, birds and reptiles but also play an important role in countering coastal erosion. The dense network of roots and branches retain sediments and create a natural barrier protecting coastal communities against the more and more frequent floodings and hurricanes. Further, mangroves have the capacity to sequester up to 10 times more CO2 per area compared to other forest ecosystems. Therefore these habitats serve as a blue carbon sink. Unfortunately, destruction of these important habitats due to development currently happens on a large scale worldwide. mangrove forest stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Underwater splitshot image of mangrove forest. Mangroves are plants that can live in saltwater. These important plants not only create a refuge for a vast number of marine animals, birds and reptiles but also play an important role in countering coastal erosion. The dense network of roots and branches retain sediments and create a natural barrier protecting coastal communities against the more and more frequent floodings and hurricanes. Further, mangroves have the capacity to sequester up to 10 times more CO2 per area compared to other forest ecosystems. Therefore these habitats serve as a blue carbon sink. Unfortunately, destruction of these important habitats due to development currently happens on a large scale worldwide.

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