Mantra Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

Browse 20,700+ mantra stock photos and images available, or search for mantra meditation or woman mantra to find more great stock photos and pictures.

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Golden lotus mandala with Om syllable Golden lotus mandala with a centered Om syllable (also called Ohm or Aum), on a dark blue background. The lotus symbolizes beauty, wisdom and blissful liberation by meditation. Om describes the transcendental, mystical sound of all existence. The sacred syllable is used as a mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. mantra stock illustrations
Golden lotus mandala with Om syllable Golden lotus mandala with a centered Om syllable (also called Ohm or Aum), on a dark blue background. The lotus symbolizes beauty, wisdom and blissful liberation by meditation. Om describes the transcendental, mystical sound of all existence. The sacred syllable is used as a mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. mantra stock illustrations

Golden lotus mandala with a centered Om syllable (also called Ohm or Aum), on a dark blue background. The lotus symbolizes beauty, wisdom and blissful liberation by meditation. Om describes the transcendental, mystical sound of all existence. The sacred syllable is used as a mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

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