Mental Health Professional Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

Browse 113,600+ mental health professional stock photos and images available, or search for mental health professional phone or mental health professional photos to find more great stock photos and pictures.

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Young Man in a Therapy Session A young man of  Asian decent, sits with a therapist as he talks through his struggles.  He is dressed casually in a blue t-shirt and has his back to the camera as they talk.  The therapist is dressed professionally and has a notepad out on her lap as she takes notes throughout the session. mental health professional stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Young Man in a Therapy Session A young man of Asian decent, sits with a therapist as he talks through his struggles. He is dressed casually in a blue t-shirt and has his back to the camera as they talk. The therapist is dressed professionally and has a notepad out on her lap as she takes notes throughout the session. mental health professional stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A young man of Asian decent, sits with a therapist as he talks through his struggles. He is dressed casually in a blue t-shirt and has his back to the camera as they talk. The therapist is dressed professionally and has a notepad out on her lap as she takes notes throughout the session.

Therapist Playing with Young Patient A female therapist sits in a chair beside her young patient as they play together with a bead maze. The therapist is dressed professionally in a suit and has a tablet out on her lap to take notes about the session. The young causally dressed boy is kneeling on the floor n front of the toy as they talk together. mental health professional stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Therapist Playing with Young Patient A female therapist sits in a chair beside her young patient as they play together with a bead maze. The therapist is dressed professionally in a suit and has a tablet out on her lap to take notes about the session. The young causally dressed boy is kneeling on the floor n front of the toy as they talk together. mental health professional stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A female therapist sits in a chair beside her young patient as they play together with a bead maze. The therapist is dressed professionally in a suit and has a tablet out on her lap to take notes about the session. The young causally dressed boy is kneeling on the floor n front of the toy as they talk together.

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