Muizenberg Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

Browse 1,500+ muizenberg stock photos and images available, or search for muizenberg beach or muizenberg huts to find more great stock photos and pictures.

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Surfers in Muizenberg "Cape Town, South Africa - February 10, 2012: Three surfers are getting ready for a surf lesson in Muizenberg, near Cape Town in South Africa. Male surfer is more experienced and two female surfers will get some instructions from him before going into water. Muizenberg is one of the suburbs of Cape Town and it's famous with its colorful beach cottages. Another famous thing abouth Muizenberg is its surf schools and almost constant wind which makes it an ideal place for surfing." muizenberg stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Surfers in Muizenberg "Cape Town, South Africa - February 10, 2012: Three surfers are getting ready for a surf lesson in Muizenberg, near Cape Town in South Africa. Male surfer is more experienced and two female surfers will get some instructions from him before going into water. Muizenberg is one of the suburbs of Cape Town and it's famous with its colorful beach cottages. Another famous thing abouth Muizenberg is its surf schools and almost constant wind which makes it an ideal place for surfing." muizenberg stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

"Cape Town, South Africa - February 10, 2012: Three surfers are getting ready for a surf lesson in Muizenberg, near Cape Town in South Africa. Male surfer is more experienced and two female surfers will get some instructions from him before going into water. Muizenberg is one of the suburbs of Cape Town and it's famous with its colorful beach cottages. Another famous thing abouth Muizenberg is its surf schools and almost constant wind which makes it an ideal place for surfing."

Surfers at Muizenberg, Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa - December 10, 2020: Surfers enter the waves at South Africa's popular surfing spot of Muizenberg in Cape Town. The beach is still open to the public although the South African government has closed many beaches over the December/January holiday season to prevent crowding and the risk of Covid-19 infection. It is the height of summer in the southern hemisphere. muizenberg stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Surfers at Muizenberg, Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa - December 10, 2020: Surfers enter the waves at South Africa's popular surfing spot of Muizenberg in Cape Town. The beach is still open to the public although the South African government has closed many beaches over the December/January holiday season to prevent crowding and the risk of Covid-19 infection. It is the height of summer in the southern hemisphere. muizenberg stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Cape Town, South Africa - December 10, 2020: Surfers enter the waves at South Africa's popular surfing spot of Muizenberg in Cape Town. The beach is still open to the public although the South African government has closed many beaches over the December/January holiday season to prevent crowding and the risk of Covid-19 infection. It is the height of summer in the southern hemisphere.

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