Prehistoric Rock Art Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Mesa Verde Step House Ancient Petroglyphs on the wall of the Step House at Mesa Verde National Park near Cortez, Colorado. Petroglyphs are a communication form used by early Puebloan and anasazi people of the Four Corners region in southwestern Colorado. prehistoric rock art stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Mesa Verde Step House Ancient Petroglyphs on the wall of the Step House at Mesa Verde National Park near Cortez, Colorado. Petroglyphs are a communication form used by early Puebloan and anasazi people of the Four Corners region in southwestern Colorado. prehistoric rock art stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Ancient Petroglyphs on the wall of the Step House at Mesa Verde National Park near Cortez, Colorado. Petroglyphs are a communication form used by early Puebloan and anasazi people of the Four Corners region in southwestern Colorado.

Petroglyph Pictograph Anasazi Pre-Columbian Art Pictograph rock art at the Palatki site in Loy Canyon, Arizona.  Most of the artwork is attributed to the Sinagua, who inhabited the area between 650AD and 1200AD, but in some cases artwork from other time periods is interspersed and overlayed with the Sinaguan.  More primitive etchings date as far back as 6000 years, while a few markings were made by ancestral Apache more recently (confirmed by tribal elders).  Pictographs are painted images, whereas petroglyphs are etchings performed by abrading the rock with the edge of another.  Pictographs at this site are typically in white, red and black, or kaolin, hematite and charcoal.  Archeologists believe that much of the art at the Palatki site relates to the dreamstate imagery of ancient Shamans.  This image reflects the typical flat, protected rock face alcove on which Sinaguan art can be found, with numerous depictions of animals and references to life's journey on the Earth.  Yavapai County, Arizona, 2013. prehistoric rock art stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Petroglyph Pictograph Anasazi Pre-Columbian Art Pictograph rock art at the Palatki site in Loy Canyon, Arizona. Most of the artwork is attributed to the Sinagua, who inhabited the area between 650AD and 1200AD, but in some cases artwork from other time periods is interspersed and overlayed with the Sinaguan. More primitive etchings date as far back as 6000 years, while a few markings were made by ancestral Apache more recently (confirmed by tribal elders). Pictographs are painted images, whereas petroglyphs are etchings performed by abrading the rock with the edge of another. Pictographs at this site are typically in white, red and black, or kaolin, hematite and charcoal. Archeologists believe that much of the art at the Palatki site relates to the dreamstate imagery of ancient Shamans. This image reflects the typical flat, protected rock face alcove on which Sinaguan art can be found, with numerous depictions of animals and references to life's journey on the Earth. Yavapai County, Arizona, 2013. prehistoric rock art stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Pictograph rock art at the Palatki site in Loy Canyon, Arizona. Most of the artwork is attributed to the Sinagua, who inhabited the area between 650AD and 1200AD, but in some cases artwork from other time periods is interspersed and overlayed with the Sinaguan. More primitive etchings date as far back as 6000 years, while a few markings were made by ancestral Apache more recently (confirmed by tribal elders). Pictographs are painted images, whereas petroglyphs are etchings performed by abrading the rock with the edge of another. Pictographs at this site are typically in white, red and black, or kaolin, hematite and charcoal. Archeologists believe that much of the art at the Palatki site relates to the dreamstate imagery of ancient Shamans. This image reflects the typical flat, protected rock face alcove on which Sinaguan art can be found, with numerous depictions of animals and references to life's journey on the Earth. Yavapai County, Arizona, 2013.

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