Sock Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

iStock has almost 150000 sock stock photos in its image library. Browse our collection for stock imagery of socks hanging on washing lines closeups of socks on feet in shoes and in isolation against white backgrounds. You can also find photos of different styles of sock ranging from formal to photos of fluffy and striped socks.

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Mismatched Socks Taken when an office came together to support World Down Syndrome Day 2019. Part of the #LotsOfSocks campagne, this image looks down at a circle of mismatched socks! Patterns of every colour stand side by side showing friendship and unity. sock stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Mismatched Socks Taken when an office came together to support World Down Syndrome Day 2019. Part of the #LotsOfSocks campagne, this image looks down at a circle of mismatched socks! Patterns of every colour stand side by side showing friendship and unity. sock stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Taken when an office came together to support World Down Syndrome Day 2019. Part of the #LotsOfSocks campagne, this image looks down at a circle of mismatched socks! Patterns of every colour stand side by side showing friendship and unity.

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