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Diverse Females Involved in STEM Teacher with a group of university students, in a laboratory classroom. The instructor is considering one of the students work, the mood is light hearted and positive. Other classmates are discussing things with each other. This is a realistic teaching scenario, with candid expressions. This is a multi-ethnic group of women. In the background there is a white board with mathematical formula written on it. All ladies are wearing id tags. stem research stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Diverse Females Involved in STEM Teacher with a group of university students, in a laboratory classroom. The instructor is considering one of the students work, the mood is light hearted and positive. Other classmates are discussing things with each other. This is a realistic teaching scenario, with candid expressions. This is a multi-ethnic group of women. In the background there is a white board with mathematical formula written on it. All ladies are wearing id tags. stem research stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Teacher with a group of university students, in a laboratory classroom. The instructor is considering one of the students work, the mood is light hearted and positive. Other classmates are discussing things with each other. This is a realistic teaching scenario, with candid expressions. This is a multi-ethnic group of women. In the background there is a white board with mathematical formula written on it. All ladies are wearing id tags.

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