High-up view looking towards the north in the direction of the Witwatersrand gold fields. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
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High-up view looking towards the north in the direction of the Witwatersrand gold fields. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
High-up view from Dopsteekhoogte looking towards the southeast. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
The Vaal River in flood. The Vaal River bisects the Vredefort astrobleme between the North-West and Free State Provinces. This location is the bridge at Schoemansdrift. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Close-up of Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus) lying on a rock. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Exposed and weathered dolomite rock. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
These high concentric ridges, which dominates the landscape formed about 2020 million years ago by an Asteroid impact. This is the largest known asteroid impact on earth
A Blue Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) rock engraving in the crater floor of the Vredefort astrobleme. The mountains in the background form the first or inner ring of the astrobleme structure. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, Free State Province, South Africa.
High-up view looking towards the northeast. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
These high concentric ridges, which dominates the landscape formed about 2020 million years ago by an Asteroid impact. This is the largest known asteroid impact on earth
A small farm dam, on a sunny day, between the high ridges of the Vredefort Dome, rural South Africa. These high concentric ridges, which dominates the landscape formed about 2020 million years ago by an Asteroid impact. This is the largest known asteroid impact on earth
A gold mine tunnel deep inside a mountain in the Vredefort astrobleme. It dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
A closer look at the up- and overturned ridges. The rocks in the top left corner were stacked like plates in a dishwasher.Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Stromatolites predate the Vredefort impact and this finely laminated phenomenon was formed in shallow water by photosynthetic cyanobacteria. Vredefort stromatolites were formed between 2 600 and 2 400 million years ago. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Askoppies - Late Iron Age Sotho-Tswana settlement in the Vredefort Dome astrobleme. The early Sotho-Tswana tribes tended to settle in large stone-walled settlements. The layout of Askoppies follows the dominant Central Cattle Pattern, a spatial organization of huts around a central cattle kraal. The chief lived at the head of the kraal and his subjects’ huts were arranged in descending order of importance around the periphery. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Pottery animals made for children were found at Askoppies, Late Iron Age Sotho-Tswana settlement in the Vredefort Dome astrobleme. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
These high concentric ridges, which dominates the landscape formed about 2020 million years ago by an Asteroid impact. This is the largest known asteroid impact on earth
View over the hills forming the outer rings of the Vredefort Dome in the South African Bushveld on a sunny winter's day. These high concentric ridges, which dominates the landscape formed about 2020 million years ago by an Asteroid impact. This is the largest known asteroid impact on earth
Distant view of the blue, concentric ridges, which form the outer rings of the Vredefort Dome in South Africa. These high concentric ridges, which dominates the landscape formed about 2020 million years ago by an Asteroid impact. This is the largest known asteroid impact on earth
Hot air balloon with a Giraffe in the foreground. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
The large finger-like stalks of Giant Pongola Grass, illuminated in the golden morning light in the rural Free State, South Africa. Giant Pongola Grass, also known as common Finger Grass, are native to southern Africa, but are grown in various sub-tropical and tropical regions as pasture grass.
A thick copse of golden torch Cacti, Echinopsis Spachianus, growing in the undergrowth of a small riverine woodland in Rural South Africa. The Torch Cactus, Also knowns as the Golden Torch, is a cactus original native to West Argentina, which is commonly used as an ornamental plant in Rockeries and hedges. It is classified as an invasive plant in South Africa, were it competes with native species
A hiker walking through a grove of common proteas in the hills which forms the circular ridges of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa. These high concentric ridges, which dominates the landscape formed about 2020 million years ago by an Asteroid impact. This is the largest known asteroid impact on earth
A Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) petroglyph in a granophyre dyke in the crater floor of the Vredefort astrobleme. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, Free State Province, South Africa.
Stromatolites predate the Vredefort impact and this finely laminated phenomenon was formed in shallow water by photosynthetic cyanobacteria. Vredefort stromatolites were formed between 2 600 and 2 400 million years ago. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Stromatolites predate the Vredefort impact and this finely laminated phenomenon was formed in shallow water by photosynthetic cyanobacteria. Vredefort stromatolites were formed between 2 600 and 2 400 million years ago. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
One of the landmarks in the Vredefort astrobleme is this granite quarry close to Parys. This is a world-famous site for pseudotachylite, a shock-induced deformation of Parys granite. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) site. British reconnaissance and heliograph post near the Tygerfontein battlefield not from Venterskroon in the Vredefort astrobleme. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Wide-shot of a large concentration of Protea nitida (Waboom) in the Free State section of the Vredefort astrobleme. It is the only species of Protea to form large trees yielding usable timber. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, South Africa.
A gold mine tunnel dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Remains of the prison where Italian prisoners of war were kept during the Second World War. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). The Vredefort astrobleme has not been spared by Rhino poachers. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Peeking Giraffe (genus Giraffa). Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
A natural and popular pool called Queen of Sheba's Pool is high up in the mountains not far from Venterskroon. The pool is very popular among hikers. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus walking in later part of Golden Hour. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
In situ stromatolite. Stromatolites predate the Vredefort impact and this finely laminated phenomenon was formed in shallow water by photosynthetic cyanobacteria. Vredefort stromatolites were formed between 2 600 and 2 400 million years ago. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Inside the Italian prisoner-of-war holding place. The Italians built their own wine tank in the prison. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Clematis brachiataon the fence in autumn
Close-up of Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus). Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
This rock displays the typical horsehair or fir leaf patterns which are indicators of shock in rock layers beneath meteor craters. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Pioneer farmhouse near Schoemansdrift made of sods of turf in the 1850s. The sods were laid with roots facing upwards. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Clematis brachiataon the fence in autumn
Interior of dolomite cave. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
White Rhinoceros pair (Ceratotherium simum). The Vredefort astrobleme has not been spared by Rhino poachers. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Extreme close-up of the head of a common ostrich (Struthio camelus). Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Extreme macro of Blood Lilly (Scadoxus puniceus). Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
A little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) or dabchick in a very quiet section of the Vaal River. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Burchell's Zebras (Equus quagga burchellii) are common on game farms in the Vredefort astrobleme. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Extreme close-up of the tusks and mouth of a warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) while foraging. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Close-up of three adult warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) foraging. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Macro image gold-bearing quartz pebble conglomerates of the Witwatersrand Basin. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Blood Lilly (Scadoxus puniceus). Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Clematis brachiataon the fence in autumn
Pioneer farmhouse near Schoemansdrift made of sods of turf in the 1850s. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Red Donga is an eroded ravine in the higher section of the mountains near Venterskroon in the Vredefort Dome. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
The Vaal River in flood. The Vaal River bisects the Vredefort astrobleme between the North-West and Free State Provinces. This high-up view focuses on the river at Nooitgedacht. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Late afternoon silhouette of vegetation on fire across the side of a mountain in the Vredefort astrobleme. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Burchell's Zebras (Equus quagga burchellii) are common on game farms in the Vredefort astrobleme. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
African Olive Forest Interior (Olea europaea Africana). The African Olive Forest in the Vredefort Dome astrobleme is the largest concentration of African Olive trees at a single location in the world. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
Cumulus clouds signalling an ominous thunderstorm reflected in one of the farm dams. Shot in the UNESCO Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, North-West Province, South Africa.
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