Wine Tasting Pictures, Images and Stock Photos
You can find more than 37000 wine tasting stock photos at the iStock image library. Our easy-to-search collection features stock imagery of wine tasting events in vineyards and photos of people tasting wines in restaurants. Our library also contains wide-angle shots of arrays of different wines in glasses and close-up shots of wine tasting notes in books.
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Crete is like a wine ark carrying marvellous indigenous varieties as well as foreign ones which have adapted very well to the local terrain with very positive results. Local white varieties include Vilana, one of the island’s top white wine grapes, Vidiano, Dafni, Thrapsathiri, Malvazia di Candia (Malvazia of Chandakas), Muscat of Spina, and Plyto. Red varieties include Kotsifali, Mantilari, Liatiko, Tsardana and legendary Romeiko. Cretan varietals and blends made of local and foreign varieties (mostly French) are PGI Crete labels.
Wineglasses and wine bottles on display for serving a wine tasting. Red and white fermented grape beverages are poured into two sparkling glasses. Warm, orange brown wooden cellar wine racks are reflected and in soft focus in the background. The close-up view of the alcohol is indoors, with no people.