Witch Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

There are almost 210000 witch stock photos at the iStock image library. Search our collection to find stock imagery of witch doctors and photos of witches on broomsticks. You can also find dramatic shots of witch burning reenactments and photos of witches chanting over cauldrons as well as photos of children dressed as witches for Halloween.

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Witch House in Salem, MA, USA The Judge Jonathan Corwin House also known as The Witch House: Black old historical house in Salem, MA,  is the only structure still standing in Salem with direct ties to the Witchcraft Trials of 1692. As a local magistrate and civic leader, Corwin was called upon to investigate the claims of diabolical activity when a surge of witchcraft accusations arose in Salem and neighboring communities. witch stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Witch House in Salem, MA, USA The Judge Jonathan Corwin House also known as The Witch House: Black old historical house in Salem, MA, is the only structure still standing in Salem with direct ties to the Witchcraft Trials of 1692. As a local magistrate and civic leader, Corwin was called upon to investigate the claims of diabolical activity when a surge of witchcraft accusations arose in Salem and neighboring communities. witch stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

The Judge Jonathan Corwin House also known as The Witch House: Black old historical house in Salem, MA, is the only structure still standing in Salem with direct ties to the Witchcraft Trials of 1692. As a local magistrate and civic leader, Corwin was called upon to investigate the claims of diabolical activity when a surge of witchcraft accusations arose in Salem and neighboring communities.

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