Wood Grain Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

You can find more than 370000 wood grain stock photos at the iStock image library. Our collection includes stock imagery of wood grain closeups photos of wood grain from different species of tree and downloadable vectors of wood grain with space for copy. You can also find images of pine wood grain photos of birch wood grain as well as mahogany grain.

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Wooden Texture Background High quality brown wooden background. This background features a distinguished wood grain pattern complete with wavy lines. The colour of the wood appears darker near the left and right edges, but becomes lighter near the middle. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Wooden Texture Background High quality brown wooden background. This background features a distinguished wood grain pattern complete with wavy lines. The colour of the wood appears darker near the left and right edges, but becomes lighter near the middle. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

High quality brown wooden background. This background features a distinguished wood grain pattern complete with wavy lines. The colour of the wood appears darker near the left and right edges, but becomes lighter near the middle.

Light natural wood background Light natural wood board composed of five logs. All boards have a strong clear texture of wood. Scratches, cracks and other damages are strongly expressed. Some contain knots. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running vertically across the image. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Light natural wood background Light natural wood board composed of five logs. All boards have a strong clear texture of wood. Scratches, cracks and other damages are strongly expressed. Some contain knots. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running vertically across the image. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Light natural wood board composed of five logs. All boards have a strong clear texture of wood. Scratches, cracks and other damages are strongly expressed. Some contain knots. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running vertically across the image.

Close view of wooden plank table A close-up view of the texture of a wooden table.  The table is made from light-colored wood and has some dark spots on the left and right sides.  There is also a dark spot in the middle of the table toward the bottom.  The wood at the top and bottom of the table is darker than the wood in the center of the table.  The piece of wood at the top of the table also appears to have a dark stain on it.  The close-up gives a direct view from above the table, revealing cracks and knotholes in the wood. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Close view of wooden plank table A close-up view of the texture of a wooden table. The table is made from light-colored wood and has some dark spots on the left and right sides. There is also a dark spot in the middle of the table toward the bottom. The wood at the top and bottom of the table is darker than the wood in the center of the table. The piece of wood at the top of the table also appears to have a dark stain on it. The close-up gives a direct view from above the table, revealing cracks and knotholes in the wood. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A close-up view of the texture of a wooden table. The table is made from light-colored wood and has some dark spots on the left and right sides. There is also a dark spot in the middle of the table toward the bottom. The wood at the top and bottom of the table is darker than the wood in the center of the table. The piece of wood at the top of the table also appears to have a dark stain on it. The close-up gives a direct view from above the table, revealing cracks and knotholes in the wood.

Old dark brown wooden board Old weathered dark wooden table board. Wood knots, cracks, stains, scratches and other damages are strongly expressed. All planks have a strong clear texture of wood. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running horizontally across the image. Compounds of the planks are clearly visible. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Old dark brown wooden board Old weathered dark wooden table board. Wood knots, cracks, stains, scratches and other damages are strongly expressed. All planks have a strong clear texture of wood. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running horizontally across the image. Compounds of the planks are clearly visible. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Old weathered dark wooden table board. Wood knots, cracks, stains, scratches and other damages are strongly expressed. All planks have a strong clear texture of wood. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running horizontally across the image. Compounds of the planks are clearly visible.

Light natural wood background Light natural wood board composed of six logs. All boards have a strong clear texture of wood and some contain knots. The plank is new and clean. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running horizontally across the image. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Light natural wood background Light natural wood board composed of six logs. All boards have a strong clear texture of wood and some contain knots. The plank is new and clean. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running horizontally across the image. wood grain stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Light natural wood board composed of six logs. All boards have a strong clear texture of wood and some contain knots. The plank is new and clean. A wood grain pattern featuring even grains of wood running horizontally across the image.

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