High Voltage Power Lines at the Crack of Dawn. Mission Peak Regional Preserve, Alameda County, California, USA. stock photo
Christmas night lights decorating house in in Willow Glen neighborhood of San Jose California stock photo
Brodway, the main corridor of the cellhouse dividing B and C Blocks of Alcatraz Prison at Alcatraz Island. stock photo
Lone Oak Tree on a Hilltop. Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, Alameda County, California, USA. stock photo
Red-eared slider turtle stretching neck and sunbathing on a log above a pond. Stow Lake, San Francisco, California, USA. stock photo
California Scrub-Jay Adult Standing on the Ground. Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, California, USA. stock photo
Cascade waterfalls at Cataract Falls. Mount Tamalpais State Park, Marin County, California, USA. stock photo
Abandoned Ocean Shore Railroad Creek Tunnel with Drainage Pipe Near Davenport, Santa Cruz County, California. stock photo
Scenic views of Old St Hillary's Church, Angel Island, Alcatraz Prison, San Francisco Bay and San Francisco Skyline at dusk. stock photo