Principais perguntas frequentes

Como posso saber se preciso de uma licença standard ou de uma licença alargada?

Cada ficheiro transferido na iStock vem com uma licença standard que lhe permite utilizá‑lo de muitas formas. Da publicidade em redes sociais aos outdoors, de apresentações PowerPoint a longas metragens, pode modificar, redimensionar e personalizar cada ficheiro na iStock para que se adequem aos seus projetos. Com a exceção de fotografias “apenas de uso Editorial” (que apenas podem ser utilizadas em projetos editoriais e não podem ser modificadas), as possibilidades são ilimitadas. Basta certificar‑se de que as suas modificações não violam o contrato de licenciamento de conteúdo.

No entanto, se precisar de mais de 500.000 impressões, de criar produtos para revenda ou de partilhar ficheiros com diversos utilizadores, terá de acrescentar uma licença alargada à sua compra de créditos. Cada licença alargada custa 18 créditos para imagens e 21 créditos para vídeos, para além da sua licença standard.

Saiba mais

Como posso fazer download de uma imagem do vosso site?

Assim que encontrar uma imagem ou clip de vídeo de que gosta, basta clicar nela para abrir a respetiva página de informações detalhadas. A partir daí, siga estes passos simples:

1. Escolha o tamanho/resolução da sua imagem ou vídeo.

2. Clique em “Fazer download desta imagem” ou “Fazer download deste clip de vídeo”.

3. Será redirecionado para a página de pagamento (ou receberá uma indicação para iniciar sessão caso não o tenha feito.)

4. Depois de concluir a sua compra, basta regressar ao ficheiro e clicar em “Fazer download desta imagem/clip de vídeo” uma vez mais.

5. Localize o seu vídeo (Pode estar na sua pasta de Downloads, no seu ambiente de trabalho ou no último local onde guardou um ficheiro.)

Como é que consigo encontrar aquilo que procuro?

Para começar a sua pesquisa, escreva o que pretende na barra de pesquisa e selecione o tipo de ficheiro que pretende, que, por predefinição, está definido para fotos e ilustrações. A nossa funcionalidade de pesquisa melhorada compreende descrições detalhadas e compridas; portanto, não hesite em ser específico e utilizar uma frase como “um conjunto dinâmico de mulheres de origens raciais variadas que se regozijam pela alegria da amizade”. Se preferir uma pesquisa mais limitada ou quiser algo em particular, como uma espécie de planta específica, pode desativar a funcionalidade de pesquisa melhorada na página de resultados. Além disso, pode utilizar o painel refinar à esquerda para filtrar mais os resultados da sua pesquisa. Para obter mais dicas e estratégias sobre como utilizar as funcionalidades de pesquisa de forma eficaz e tirar o máximo partido da sua pesquisa, consulte o Guia de pesquisa iStock.

Como posso saber se uma subscrição é adequada para mim? E em caso afirmativo, qual devo escolher?

Se fizer o download de apenas quatro imagens (fotografias, ilustrações e vetores) ou de dois vídeos num mês, obterá o melhor valor com uma subscrição iStock.

Com qualquer subscrição (mensal ou anual), pode escolher 10, 25, 50 ou 750 downloads mensais. E se tiver uma subscrição anual ativa ou uma subscrição com a renovação automática ativada, pode acumular até 250 downloads não utilizados de meses anteriores e obter as imagens de que precisa quando precisar delas.

A iStock tem três subscrições à escolha:

As subscrições básicas disponibilizam‑lhe fotos, vetores e ilustrações padrão do setor de atividade na nossa coleção Essentials económica.

Dica: Procure a coleção por baixo da barra de pesquisa numa página de resultados de pesquisa e selecione “Essentials” para pesquisar apenas imagens disponíveis com uma subscrição básica.

As subscrições Premium incluem tudo, desde a nossa subscrição Básica, bem como qualquer uma das imagens cuidadosamente selecionadas da coleção Signature que só nós lhe podemos oferecer.

As subscrições Premium + Vídeo dão-lhe acesso a todas as imagens e vídeos que a iStock tem para oferecer — sem exceções.

O que é uma licença royalty-free?

As licenças royalty-free permitem-lhe pagar apenas uma vez para usar imagens e clipes de vídeo protegidos por direitos de autor em projetos pessoais e comerciais de forma contínua e sem pagamentos adicionais por cada vez que utilizar esse conteúdo. Obtém o direito legal de utilizar o ficheiro e os nossos contribuidores recebem pelo excelente trabalho que fazem. É uma situação vantajosa para todos, razão pela qual tudo na iStock só está disponível em regime royalty-free.

Que tipo de proteção posso obter quando adquirir uma licença à iStock?

Cada ficheiro licenciado vem com uma garantia legal no valor de 10.000 USD. Esta corresponde à nossa promessa de que, sempre que utilizar o nosso conteúdo nos termos do nosso contrato de licenciamento, essa utilização não infringirá qualquer direito de autor, direito moral, marca registada ou qualquer outro direito de propriedade intelectual nem violará qualquer direito de privacidade ou publicidade. Pode também adquirir uma Garantia Legal Alargada para aumentar essa cobertura para 250.000 USD.

Tem mais dúvidas? Consulte as nossas perguntas frequentes adicionais

Vender o seu trabalho

Interessado em tornar-se num contribuidor? Candidate-se agora.

Já é um contribuidor? Obtenha apoio ou inicie sessão.

Como contactar-nos

Enviar-nos uma mensagem
A sua mensagem foi enviada

Faremos o nosso melhor por responder-lhe num período de 24 horas úteis.

Precisa de enviar outra mensagem?

1 866 478 6251

Monday-Friday 8:00 - 19:00 CT

(+91) 22 5097 2704

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST

+44 (0)203 227 2685

Mon-Fri, 08:00 to 17:00 (CEST)

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+34 93 3620 463

Lunes-Viernes 9:00-18:00 CET

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+61 290 042 202

Mon-Fri, 7am – 5.30pm (AEST)

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

5411 5984 2872

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

1800 039 927

Monday-Friday 7:00-17:30 AEST

0800 999 689

Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00 CEST

+90 212 808 00 29

Monday-Friday 9:00-18:00 EEST

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

(+91) 22 5097 2704

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

0800 38719

maandag t/m vrijdag, Lundi-Vendredi, Monday-Friday: 09:00 to 18:00 (CEST)

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

(+91) 22 5097 2704

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

0800 8783 011

De Segunda à Sexta 9:00 - 20:00 BRT

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

1 866 478 6251

Monday-Friday 8:00 - 19:00 CT

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

(56) 2321-01201

Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

+86 400-6868-200

+57 601 508 5956

Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

00 27 11 463 1925/7


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

00 27 11 463 1925/7

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

V současné době nemůžeme poskytovat podporu po telefonu. Odešlete webový formulář a my vám rádi odpovíme na váš dotaz e-mailem.

8082 0140

Monday-Friday 8:00 - 17:00 CEST


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

0800 97441

Maanantaista perjantaihin 8.00–17.00 CEST

0805 111 480

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

0800 000 3701

Monday - Friday, 9:00 – 17:00 CEST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

0800 073 0760

Mon-Fri, 9am - 6pm GMT


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

+852 2592 5665

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 HKT

Jelenleg nem áll módunkban telefonos támogatást nyújtani. Kérjük, töltse ki a webes űrlapot, és szívesen válaszolunk majd e-mailben!


(+91) 22 5097 2704

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST

007 803 651 0026

Senin - Jumat 9:00 - 18:00 SGT

1 800 931 772

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 GMT

00 27 11 463 1925/7

0800 073 0760

Mon-Fri, 9am - 6pm GMT

800 928 335

Lunedì-Venerdì 9:00 - 18:00 CET

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664


0800 073 0760

Mon-Fri, 9am - 6pm GMT

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

지금은 전화를 통해 지원해 드릴 수가 없습니다. 웹 양식을 제출해 주시면 이메일을 통해 문의 사항에 기꺼이 답변해 드리겠습니다.

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

00 27 11 463 1925/7

00 27 11 463 1925/7

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

800 2 3102

Lundi-Vendredi, Montag-Freitag: 09:00 to 18:00 (CEST)

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.


Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 MYT

+39 02 48 19 020

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 CET

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

52 (55) 4172-0159

Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

0800 023 4532

maandag t/m vrijdag 09:00 to 18:00 (CET)

0800 453 623

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 NZST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

800 10 836

Monday-Friday 8:00 - 17:00 CEST

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

(+91) 22 5097 2704

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

+65 6302 3696 (English language support)

Obecnie nie jesteśmy w stanie udzielić wsparcia telefonicznego. Prześlij wszystkie informacje przez formularz internetowy, a chętnie odpowiemy na Twoje zapytanie drogą e-mailową.

800 180 044

Segunda-Sexta 10:30 - 18:30 CET

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

Nu putem oferi asistență prin telefon momentan. Trimite formularul web și îți vom răspunde cu plăcere la solicitare prin e-mail.

В данный момент обращение в службу поддержки по телефону невозможно. Заполните онлайн-форму, и мы будем рады ответить на ваш запрос по электронной почте.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

800 184 4024

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 SGT

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Serbia: + 381 63 448 140
Montenegro: + 385 1 638 6666

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

00 27 11 463 1925/7

800 099 349

Lunes-Viernes 9:00 - 18:00 CET

(+91) 22 5097 2704

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

0200 88 75 16

Monday-Friday 8:00 - 17:00 CEST

0800 000 507

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 17:00 CEST

00 806 651 723

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 HKT

+66 2460 9151

วันจันทร์ วันศุกร์ 9:00 - 18:00 ICT


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

+90 212 808 00 29

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 EEST

+90 212 808 00 29

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 EEST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+380 44 277 99 66

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

0800 073 0760

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 GMT


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

+90 212 808 00 29

Monday-Friday 9:00 - 18:00 EEST

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+61 290 042 202

Mon-Fri, 7am – 5.30pm (AEST)

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+61 290 042 202


We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664


We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+61 290 042 202

Mon-Fri, 7am – 5.30pm (AEST)

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

0800 073 0760

Mon-Fri, 9am - 6pm GMT


Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+39 02 48 19 020

Monday-Friday, 9:00-18:00 CET

1-809-216-038 (Toll Free)

Sunday-Thursday 9:00 - 18:00 IST

+61 290 042 202

Mon-Fri, 7am – 5.30pm (AEST)

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+49 (0)89 20 24 06 253

Mo.-Fr., 9:00 – 18:00 Uhr (CEST)

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

(+91) 22 5097 2704

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+61 290 042 202

Mon-Fri, 7am – 5.30pm (AEST)

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

(+91) 22 5097 2704

Monday – Friday 9.30 – 17.30 IST

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)


Lunes-Viernes 8:00-18:00 CT

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+61 290 042 202

Mon-Fri, 7am – 5.30pm (AEST)

+61 290 042 202

Mon-Fri, 7am – 5.30pm (AEST)


Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+971 4 549 1400

Monday - Friday 09:00 to 17:30 GST

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+61 290 042 202

Mon-Fri, 7am – 5.30pm (AEST)

800 180 044

Segunda-Sexta 10:30-18:30 CET

800 180 044

Segunda-Sexta 10:30-18:30 CET

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+33 (0)1 55 33 66 32

Lundi – Jeudi 9h00 - 18h30 Vendredi 9h00 - 17h00 (CEST)

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

+39 02 48 19 020

Monday-Friday, 9:00-18:00 CET

800 180 044

Segunda-Sexta 10:30-18:30 CET

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

+61 290 042 202

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

800 099 349

Lunes-Viernes 9:00-18:00 CET

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

Phone support: +1 866 478 6251
International Toll-Free: 00 800 6664 6664

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

We are unable to provide support over the phone at this time. Please submit the web form and we will be happy to answer your inquiry via email.

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