Anzac Day stock photos, images & pictures
Get Anzac Day pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else.
Unique Anzac Day finds from our Signature collection
iStock’s ever-growing Signature collection features millions of authentic images—including these awe-inspiring Anzac Day images—that you won’t find on any other stock site.

A close up of an Australian army slouch hat sitting on the sand of a beach with plenty of copyspace for your words

Anzac Cove in Gallipoli in Turkey. Landing site of the Australian and New Zealand troops in 1915

Feet of soldiers marching at an ANZAC Day parade on the streets of a regional country town
Most popular Anzac Day photos
These eye-catching photos have a recognizable quality and universal appeal that connects with audiences everywhere.

Australian flag at an ANZAC Day parade on the streets of a regional country town

The Lone Pine Memorial and War grave in Gallipoli, near Canakkale Turkey.

Waving Australia flag in the air at sunset.

Two poppies on a memorial for the Anzac soldiers in Australia.

Canakkale Martyrs' Memorial, Turkey

Sample of the Australian desert camouflage combat uniform material (Auscam DPDU or desert DPCU)used by the Australian military in Iraq and Afghanastan.
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