High Rise Buildings stock videos and footage

Browse 1,059,100+ high rise buildings stock videos and clips available to use in your projects, or search for high rise buildings chicago or modern high rise buildings to find more stock footage and b-roll video clips.

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Birds Eye View of Crown Heights, Brooklyn Aerial establishing shot of Brooklyn, New York city on an overcast day in summer, taken from over the Crown Heights neighborhood and looking down on streets of brownstone row houses. This is file 1 of a sequence of 2, trimmed from a longer shot. The rest of the sequence can be found by looking in the “same series” section below, and can be seamlessly stitched together. high rise buildings stock videos & royalty-free footage

Aerial establishing shot of Brooklyn, New York city on an overcast day in summer, taken from over the Crown Heights neighborhood and looking down on streets of brownstone row houses. This is file 1 of a sequence of 2, trimmed from a longer shot. The rest of the sequence can be found by looking in the “same series” section below, and can be seamlessly stitched together.

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