Mental Health stock videos and footage

There are almost 400000 mental health stock videos at the iStock video library. Browse our easy-to-search collection to find stock videos of mental health professionals helping patients and clients as well as downloadable videos of Mental Health Awareness Month flyers. You can also find videos of people taking care of their mental health by meditating or talking to counsellors.

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Head Profile Silhouettes Animation sequence to represent a diverse society. Moving transparent head profiles create a Multi-Layered Effect. variety, society, community, people, crowd, population, culture, individual, young adult, adult, elderly, old-age, african ethnicity mental health stock videos & royalty-free footage

Animation sequence to represent a diverse society. Moving transparent head profiles create a Multi-Layered Effect. variety, society, community, people, crowd, population, culture, individual, young adult, adult, elderly, old-age, african ethnicity

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