Mirror Object stock videos and footage

Browse 3,800+ mirror object stock videos and clips available to use in your projects, or search for mirror image or mirror reflection to find more stock footage and b-roll video clips.

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Groom stands near window and ties tie in dark room Groom stands near window and ties tie in dark room. He stands in profile and carefully corrects knot on his neck. Man attentively looks at movements of his hands in mirror to control process for better results. Evening light which penetrates through casement brightly illuminates his silhouette. He is not in a hurry, man is calm and concentrated. Appartment is designed in violet colors, even windows hole is decorated with purple satin curtains. mirror object stock videos & royalty-free footage

Groom stands near window and ties tie in dark room. He stands in profile and carefully corrects knot on his neck. Man attentively looks at movements of his hands in mirror to control process for better results. Evening light which penetrates through casement brightly illuminates his silhouette. He is not in a hurry, man is calm and concentrated. Appartment is designed in violet colors, even windows hole is decorated with purple satin curtains.

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