Osteoporosis 4 stages in one picture - 3d rendering
Osteoporosis Pictures, Images and Stock Photos
You can find more than 25000 osteoporosis stock photos at the iStock image library. Search our collection for high-quality stock imagery of osteoporosis screenings and photos of older people talking to their doctors about bone health. Our photo library also contains 3D renderings of bone cross sections with and without osteoporosis. You can also find photos of x-rays showing thinning bones and fractures as well as infographics about osteoporosis.
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An experienced Caucasian orthopaedic surgeon (doctor) examining a pelvic x-ray displaying signs of osteoporosis - hip degeneration. Actual x-ray of a 42 year-old woman with a degenerative hip. The Orthopaedic surgeon is using a pencil to point at the hip where the problem is. This patient is a candidate (real) for hip replacement. The dominant colour is blue.