Community Center Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Warm Hub for the Community A shot of a small group of people visiting a warm hub/food bank which is a safe place for people to enjoy a warm and friendly environment in the community with the current cost of living increasing. Three mixed age range female visitors are sitting at a table enjoying tea, biscuits and each other's company. community center stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Warm Hub for the Community A shot of a small group of people visiting a warm hub/food bank which is a safe place for people to enjoy a warm and friendly environment in the community with the current cost of living increasing. Three mixed age range female visitors are sitting at a table enjoying tea, biscuits and each other's company. community center stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A shot of a small group of people visiting a warm hub/food bank which is a safe place for people to enjoy a warm and friendly environment in the community with the current cost of living increasing. Three mixed age range female visitors are sitting at a table enjoying tea, biscuits and each other's company.

Warm Hub for the Community A wide shot of a medium group of people visiting a warm hub/food bank which is a safe place for people to enjoy a warm and friendly environment in the community with the current cost of living increasing. They are waiting for their food to be served. community center stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Warm Hub for the Community A wide shot of a medium group of people visiting a warm hub/food bank which is a safe place for people to enjoy a warm and friendly environment in the community with the current cost of living increasing. They are waiting for their food to be served. community center stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A wide shot of a medium group of people visiting a warm hub/food bank which is a safe place for people to enjoy a warm and friendly environment in the community with the current cost of living increasing. They are waiting for their food to be served.

Using the Community Warm Hub in Winter Mother and her young daughter relaxing at a community church in the North East of England which is functioning as a warm hub. People in need are warming up there due to heating prices/inflation. The young girl is playing a fishing game with a miniature rod, having fun. Other people are out of focus behind them. community center stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Using the Community Warm Hub in Winter Mother and her young daughter relaxing at a community church in the North East of England which is functioning as a warm hub. People in need are warming up there due to heating prices/inflation. The young girl is playing a fishing game with a miniature rod, having fun. Other people are out of focus behind them. community center stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Mother and her young daughter relaxing at a community church in the North East of England which is functioning as a warm hub. People in need are warming up there due to heating prices/inflation. The young girl is playing a fishing game with a miniature rod, having fun. Other people are out of focus behind them.

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