Healthcare Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

You can find more than 8.6 million healthcare stock photos at the iStock image library. Browse our easy-to-search collection for stock imagery of healthcare workers treating their patients and wide-angle shots of health are settings such as hospitals and doctors’ offices. You can also find downloadable vectors of healthcare data concepts and motion-blurred photos of hospital staff running down corridors.

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Family Medical Appointment A young Mother and her son visit the doctor together.  The baby boy is seated on the exam table with his mother seated in front of him and making sure he does not fall.  Their female doctor of Middle Eastern decent is seated in front of them and smiling as they talk. healthcare stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Family Medical Appointment A young Mother and her son visit the doctor together. The baby boy is seated on the exam table with his mother seated in front of him and making sure he does not fall. Their female doctor of Middle Eastern decent is seated in front of them and smiling as they talk. healthcare stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A young Mother and her son visit the doctor together. The baby boy is seated on the exam table with his mother seated in front of him and making sure he does not fall. Their female doctor of Middle Eastern decent is seated in front of them and smiling as they talk.

Medical Team Meeting A small group of four medical professionals sit around a boardroom table as they meet to discuss patient cases.  They are each dressed professionally in scrubs and lab coats as they focus on working together. healthcare stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Medical Team Meeting A small group of four medical professionals sit around a boardroom table as they meet to discuss patient cases. They are each dressed professionally in scrubs and lab coats as they focus on working together. healthcare stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A small group of four medical professionals sit around a boardroom table as they meet to discuss patient cases. They are each dressed professionally in scrubs and lab coats as they focus on working together.

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