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View of the cell nucleus Molecules of cell nucleus in the interphase. Nucleolus (the granular structure), DNA being transcripted to mRNA (pink) by the RNA polymerase (green), and several enzymes: the endonuclease (violet), the DNA ligase (yellow) and the DNA topoisomerase (magenta) transcription stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
View of the cell nucleus Molecules of cell nucleus in the interphase. Nucleolus (the granular structure), DNA being transcripted to mRNA (pink) by the RNA polymerase (green), and several enzymes: the endonuclease (violet), the DNA ligase (yellow) and the DNA topoisomerase (magenta) transcription stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Molecules of cell nucleus in the interphase. Nucleolus (the granular structure), DNA being transcripted to mRNA (pink) by the RNA polymerase (green), and several enzymes: the endonuclease (violet), the DNA ligase (yellow) and the DNA topoisomerase (magenta)

DNA Replication and Transcription DNA Replication and Transcription. Steps. double helix is unwound. Each separated strand acts as a template for replicating a new strand. Vector diagram for scientific, medical, and educational use. poster transcription stock illustrations
DNA Replication and Transcription DNA Replication and Transcription. Steps. double helix is unwound. Each separated strand acts as a template for replicating a new strand. Vector diagram for scientific, medical, and educational use. poster transcription stock illustrations

DNA Replication and Transcription. Steps. double helix is unwound. Each separated strand acts as a template for replicating a new strand. Vector diagram for scientific, medical, and educational use. poster

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