Us Republican Party Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Party Mascots Vector illustration of a blue donkey and a red elephant, representing the Democratic and Republican political parties in the United States. The donkey and elephant are on separate layers, easily separated in a program like Illustrator, etc. Illustration uses no gradients, meshes or blends, only solid color. Includes AI10-compatible .eps format, along with a high-res .jpg. us republican party stock illustrations
Party Mascots Vector illustration of a blue donkey and a red elephant, representing the Democratic and Republican political parties in the United States. The donkey and elephant are on separate layers, easily separated in a program like Illustrator, etc. Illustration uses no gradients, meshes or blends, only solid color. Includes AI10-compatible .eps format, along with a high-res .jpg. us republican party stock illustrations

Vector illustration of a blue donkey and a red elephant, representing the Democratic and Republican political parties in the United States. The donkey and elephant are on separate layers, easily separated in a program like Illustrator, etc. Illustration uses no gradients, meshes or blends, only solid color. Includes AI10-compatible .eps format, along with a high-res .jpg.

Donkey and Elephant Vector illustration of a donkey and an elephant, representing the Democratic and Republican political parties of the United States. Illustration uses no gradients, meshes or blends, only solid color. Both .ai and AI8-compatible formats are included, along with a high-res .jpg, and a high-res .png with transparent background. us republican party stock illustrations
Donkey and Elephant Vector illustration of a donkey and an elephant, representing the Democratic and Republican political parties of the United States. Illustration uses no gradients, meshes or blends, only solid color. Both .ai and AI8-compatible formats are included, along with a high-res .jpg, and a high-res .png with transparent background. us republican party stock illustrations

Vector illustration of a donkey and an elephant, representing the Democratic and Republican political parties of the United States. Illustration uses no gradients, meshes or blends, only solid color. Both .ai and AI8-compatible formats are included, along with a high-res .jpg, and a high-res .png with transparent background.

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