Adige River Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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Reschensee - Lake Reschen The famous bell tower in the Lake of Reschen (Reschen See - Lago di Resia) in Südtirol, Italy. During WW2 a dam was build and put the village under water, only the tower is still visible now. A legend says that during winter one can still hear church bells ring... adige river stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Reschensee - Lake Reschen The famous bell tower in the Lake of Reschen (Reschen See - Lago di Resia) in Südtirol, Italy. During WW2 a dam was build and put the village under water, only the tower is still visible now. A legend says that during winter one can still hear church bells ring... adige river stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

The famous bell tower in the Lake of Reschen (Reschen See - Lago di Resia) in Südtirol, Italy. During WW2 a dam was build and put the village under water, only the tower is still visible now. A legend says that during winter one can still hear church bells ring...

Castelvecchio, Verona Castelvecchio was a military fort and the residence of Cangrande II della Scala, member of the family that ruled Verona in the Middle Ages. It was built in the XIV century. Corridors, rooms, stairs, inside and outside passages wind in an almost maze-like route, points of reference being the windows which always overlook the flow of the Adige River. In some of the rooms, is housed the Museo Civico, with stone sculptures, paintings on wood, collections of fabrics, silk, weapons besides the Tesoro di Via Trezza, consisting of enamel ware, jewellery and book bindings. At the end of 2000 UNESCO inscribed Verona's historical centre on the World Heritage List. Verona, Italy. adige river stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
Castelvecchio, Verona Castelvecchio was a military fort and the residence of Cangrande II della Scala, member of the family that ruled Verona in the Middle Ages. It was built in the XIV century. Corridors, rooms, stairs, inside and outside passages wind in an almost maze-like route, points of reference being the windows which always overlook the flow of the Adige River. In some of the rooms, is housed the Museo Civico, with stone sculptures, paintings on wood, collections of fabrics, silk, weapons besides the Tesoro di Via Trezza, consisting of enamel ware, jewellery and book bindings. At the end of 2000 UNESCO inscribed Verona's historical centre on the World Heritage List. Verona, Italy. adige river stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Castelvecchio was a military fort and the residence of Cangrande II della Scala, member of the family that ruled Verona in the Middle Ages. It was built in the XIV century. Corridors, rooms, stairs, inside and outside passages wind in an almost maze-like route, points of reference being the windows which always overlook the flow of the Adige River. In some of the rooms, is housed the Museo Civico, with stone sculptures, paintings on wood, collections of fabrics, silk, weapons besides the Tesoro di Via Trezza, consisting of enamel ware, jewellery and book bindings. At the end of 2000 UNESCO inscribed Verona's historical centre on the World Heritage List. Verona, Italy.

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