Little girl and her parents choosing backpack for school while shopping in the store together.
Browse through more than 3.2 million shopping stock photos at iStock’s image library. Our easy-to-search collection features stock imagery of shopping malls close-up shots of people paying for shopping with cards and cash as well as wide-angle shots of people window shopping with friends. You can also find images of shop interiors and humorous photos of malfunctioning shopping trolleys.
Little girl and her parents choosing backpack for school while shopping in the store together.
An unrecognizable Caucasian female standing at the shopping mall with paper bags.
Happy female customer paying her bill with a credit card in a ceramic store. Cheerful young woman smiling happily while shopping from a local female-owned small business.
Smiling young couple walking through the mall after some shopping
Online Shopping Line Icons. Pixel perfect. Editable stroke. Vector illustration.